Travelcards... £50, Half a tank of Petrol... £15, Plenty of McDonalds... £15, Millies Cookies... £6, Krispy Kreme Donuts... £5, Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream & Chocolate Sprinkes...£2, The looks I got pushing a pram, carrying half a chair, using my tripod and camera and falling over a bench... Priceless.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Project Eric - Supernatural (Music Video)

Supernatural - Project Eric (A2 Media Coursework Video) from Richard Jude on Vimeo.

Supernatural - Project Eric (Final Coursework Video) from Richard Jude on Vimeo.

Evaluation Video - Questions 1-4

Media Studies Coursework Evaluation from Richard Jude on Vimeo.

Evaluation Section 4: How did I use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages? - Script

Throughout the project I have been able to make use of new media technologies to help me progress. Each stage of the project has benefitted because of this and the video is what it is because of what has been available to me.

Whilst researching and planning the video the Internet played a huge part, locating videos and CD covers to analyse involved my old friend Google. Google maps also came in very handy when planning trips to film in London, as well as the TFL website for train information and a tube map. I also chose to create my storyboard using Premier which I uploaded to You Tube, so that I could access it from home as well as at school.

The production of the video involved the use of a Sony cam-corder to video the shots , my personal JVC cam-corder and 42” Sony television for the voyeurism scenes and the school computer with Adobe Premier Pro on it to compile the video and edit it. The main benefits of these different items can be seen easily when watching the final video. Premier has allowed me to fade characters into shots and transition between shots smoothly. Without video editing software of this type my options would have been severely limited.

Even items such as my tri-pod and home-made tracking devise, which could be easily overlooked as new technology, helped me to a great extent and would have been missed greatly had they not been available. I also had the use of a small, but clever, flexible tri-pod which came in handy on more than one occasion.
I was then able to create the Myspace page for the artist as well extra pages on Facebook and Twitter to boost the image of Project Eric through a viral campaign. The Digipack was created using Adobe Photoshop CS4 and the results would be very hard to replicate with a more basic version of the programme and virtually impossible without photo-editing software of any kind.
The final act was to then upload the video to the Internet and I did this through You Tube again and Vimeo, another video hosting site.
The evaluation has again required new media technologies to look like it does now, the filming was done on the previously mentioned Sony video camera and edited using Adobe Premier Pro.
All of the projected can be found documented on my blogger website

Well, thank God that’s over………….

Evaluation Section 3: What have I learned from my audience feedback? - Script

A vital stage in the project, both in production of the video and in this evaluation, was the feedback I received from my viewing audience viewing sessions and questionnaires. My aim was to get a general opinion of the video I have lived and breathed for several months and to judge it in a way that I couldn’t. My main concern was whether the storyline or narrative of the story would hold up. Whilst I wanted to leave it up to interpretation the exact nature of the 2 characters and their roles, it was key that the main theme of the male character being in love with the female one was understandable.

The obvious problem with questionnaires and this format of audience feedback is the amount of answers and sometimes complete questionnaires that don’t offer relevant points or haven’t been taken seriously. Time consuming as the sorting process may be, it is useful sorting through and finding the useful feedback before using it to move on with the project. The general feedback regarding the video was positive and some of the comments regarding the narrative of the video were very encouraging.

“George loves Hayley, but Hayley seems confused and doesn’t know who George is. He really loves her but she doesn’t know.”

“George is besotted with Hayley.”

“George loves Hayley, Hayley isn’t aware. He’s looking for / thinking of her.”

“Hayley can feel this presence of George being there.”

“George loves Hayley and wants to be with her. He can’t have her and sees her everywhere.”

“George is looking for Hayley everywhere and is becoming frustrated and going crazy.”

This improved my confidence in the video as a media production and the narrative of the piece and avoided me feeling the need to go back and make unnecessary changes. The narrative went against the stereotype of boy meets girl, love story follows and happy ending results. There was mixed reaction to my chosen ending, with many choosing to ignore this in their comments, or stating that they liked it. However, the romantics amongst those giving feedback were more in favour of the happy ever after.

“Hayley and George should’ve fallen in love.”

“The ending could have been more pleasing and up-lifting.”

Evaluation Section 2: How effective is the combination of my main product and ancillary texts? - Script

Project Eric, Richard’s creation, is predominantly a pop artist with a wide target audience. Because of this wide audience the video had to portray the artist in a certain way, and this had to be backed up by the My Space page and Digipack.

The music video shows the artist as the focal point of the video and the story surrounds him and his feelings. The My Space page attempts to extend on this by allowing fans an insight into his thoughts through the blog. Linking on from this theory has the making of a Facebook page and a Twitter account for exactly the same reason. The cover of the Digipack continues with this theme as it shows a close-up of his face and makes him the USP of the product.

Colour and light is central to the 3 texts working together effectively. The Digipack is a nice mix of gold and yellows with a darker background. The Myspace page includes the same base colours in a bid to familiarise the audience with the album. This is a similar tactic used to that of the Black Eyed Peas who have their Myspace page designed in the style of the album The E.N.D. The music video also includes scenes in which the lighting creates this type of colour scheme, notably the music studio shots. All of this fits with the name Project Eric in a bid to create an artist that challenges the convention of pop music rather than just adhering to them.

The music video is for a song called Supernatural and this, coupled with the story of the video match with the themes of emotions and love that are suggested in the tracks listed on the Digipack; One Day, Living The Dream and Defying Gravity in particular are emotive song titles. The blog feature that I’ve already mentioned also adds the human side of the artist to the Myspace page.

As Olly said, my intention was for all 3 texts to work together in developing my artist as he comes across to the audience. I think through the 3 I have created an artist unlike any other, with a bit of mystery about him. However, he retains many of the qualities linked with other pop singers.

Evaluation, Section 1: In what ways does my media project use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media projects? - Script

As a pop-rock video, there are lots of forms and conventions of the industry to play with, be inspired by and include. The video is a mix of narrative and performance, incorporating the industry’s most common style. This allows the audience to see the artist in performance mode creating an image for themselves and something completely different at the same time, whether this is the artist in role, or an actor. The video starts and there is an immediate link between the lyrics and the visuals. The snowy weather allowed me to fit this to the line “Much colder than I thought”. Throughout the video there is a noticeable attempt to link the music to the visuals. All of the shots filmed in Trafalgar Square, for instance, match the pace of the song. Another example of this is the decision to have the singer walking whilst performing, in a bid to match the continuous pace of the song. A pop video is often full of clever camera techniques and different shot types. I have attempted to incorporate a wide variety in my video including use of zoom, tracking, high and low angle shots and shots of different distances. Another important convention of pop music videos is the importance placed on costume. In my video George can be seen wearing a number of outfits in a number of colours. What this is able to do is create the impression that the narrative is over a longer period of time.

The weather is also used to develop the mood through Mise – En – Scene. George, who is in a confused mental state, can be seen in snow and under grey skies and the video also includes rain and darkness. In contrast to this Hayley’s character is shown in a more positive place, this is created by filming her outside shots in good light as well as her inside shots.

Evaluation Introduction - Script

Hello and welcome to my Media Studies Casework Evaluation for my Media Project. Over the past few months I have produced a Music Video for my artist, Project Eric, and his single Supernatural. To go with the video I have created the Digipack for Project Eric’s album: Living The Dream, and A My Space page advertising the artist online. As well as these required ancillary takes I have created Twitter and Facebook pages for the artists to increase his viral campaign. All of this is documented on my blog, and this should give you an excellent insight into the work that has gone into the project as well as the stresses it has caused.