Travelcards... £50, Half a tank of Petrol... £15, Plenty of McDonalds... £15, Millies Cookies... £6, Krispy Kreme Donuts... £5, Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream & Chocolate Sprinkes...£2, The looks I got pushing a pram, carrying half a chair, using my tripod and camera and falling over a bench... Priceless.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Evaluation Section 3: What have I learned from my audience feedback? - Script

A vital stage in the project, both in production of the video and in this evaluation, was the feedback I received from my viewing audience viewing sessions and questionnaires. My aim was to get a general opinion of the video I have lived and breathed for several months and to judge it in a way that I couldn’t. My main concern was whether the storyline or narrative of the story would hold up. Whilst I wanted to leave it up to interpretation the exact nature of the 2 characters and their roles, it was key that the main theme of the male character being in love with the female one was understandable.

The obvious problem with questionnaires and this format of audience feedback is the amount of answers and sometimes complete questionnaires that don’t offer relevant points or haven’t been taken seriously. Time consuming as the sorting process may be, it is useful sorting through and finding the useful feedback before using it to move on with the project. The general feedback regarding the video was positive and some of the comments regarding the narrative of the video were very encouraging.

“George loves Hayley, but Hayley seems confused and doesn’t know who George is. He really loves her but she doesn’t know.”

“George is besotted with Hayley.”

“George loves Hayley, Hayley isn’t aware. He’s looking for / thinking of her.”

“Hayley can feel this presence of George being there.”

“George loves Hayley and wants to be with her. He can’t have her and sees her everywhere.”

“George is looking for Hayley everywhere and is becoming frustrated and going crazy.”

This improved my confidence in the video as a media production and the narrative of the piece and avoided me feeling the need to go back and make unnecessary changes. The narrative went against the stereotype of boy meets girl, love story follows and happy ending results. There was mixed reaction to my chosen ending, with many choosing to ignore this in their comments, or stating that they liked it. However, the romantics amongst those giving feedback were more in favour of the happy ever after.

“Hayley and George should’ve fallen in love.”

“The ending could have been more pleasing and up-lifting.”

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