Travelcards... £50, Half a tank of Petrol... £15, Plenty of McDonalds... £15, Millies Cookies... £6, Krispy Kreme Donuts... £5, Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream & Chocolate Sprinkes...£2, The looks I got pushing a pram, carrying half a chair, using my tripod and camera and falling over a bench... Priceless.

Saturday, 30 January 2010

A Thank You

A Thank You to George for being my star and shining so brightly in the final piece
A Thank You to Hayley, my tool of station-worker seduction and a huge help right from the start
A Thank You to Sarah who absorbed more of my moaning than Adam’s coat managed rain
A Thank You to Adam, Eden & Jo who made various trips to London funny if not successful, where there’s rain there will be McDonalds
A Thank You to Olly who dropped my camera and didn’t tell me… Thank God he didn’t tell me!
A Thank You to Nathan, nobody could have an extra that made such outrageous references to a duck
A Thank You to Tom who braved the cold to witness more tracking shot failure
A Thank You to my Dad who made one of the strangest looking contraptions London’s tourists have ever seen, bless ‘em.
A Thank You to Zoe, Chloe, Kate, Ryan and Sarah & Nathan again who managed to provide useful audience feedback to help with the evaluation

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